1st German Side at Cricket Nations Cup T12 in Adelaide
It was a great honour to field the first German team in the annual T12 Cricket Nations Cup in Adelaide over the weekend. Pictured here is Germany's first 11 +1, with Dana Wortley MP and Russell Wortley MLC.
The T12 tournament showcases the spirit of multiculturalism in South Australia, with close to 200 players from 16 nations participating in an event driven by the Darren Lehmann Cricket Academy and event organiser Sean Holden. With various organisations sponsoring the tournament, incuding the German European Chamber of Commerce of SA Inc. of which Henning Klovekorn (President), Frank Lucks (Trustee) and Simon Thomson (Secretary) were actively participating in 'Team Germany' under the command of Captain Jeremy Schultz.
"We always knew cricket was not a strong-point for the German's" said Chamber President Henning Klovekorn, "we grow up with a soccerball in the pram and don't throw balls with a straight arm. Komradeship and good spirits won the day, as did a couple of firsts for the tournament such as the world's first cricketer in traditional dress (lederhosen) and a Viking 'Sumbel' (communal drink from ceremonial horn before battle). To this we enjoyed teriffic German food from www.blisslifestyle.com.au and key fourth-fifth generation German-Australian players demonstrated formidable cricketing skill meaning we had exhibited 'pockets of brilliance".
"For 16 nations to compete in harmony and coexist symbiotically is the true testament to this tournament and great State. We can enjoy the differences, celebrate the shared values and irrespective of our background - call Australia home" said Henning Klovekorn.