CITCSA European Union and Russian Federation Subcommittee

CITCSA Sub-Committee for the EU and Russian Federation meeting today to consider the AU-EU Free Trade Agreement.
Pictured from left: Mr Frank Weits, President DutchSA, Adrian Vatovec, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia and Board of Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Gosia Hill, Hon. Consul for the Republic of Poland in South Australia, Simon Zyrianov EU Centre for Global Affairs in the University of Adelaide, Dr Valdis Tomanis, Honorary Consul of Latvia and President Australian Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ms Irina Lyudviga Russian-Australian Chamber of Commerce &Industry Inc. Henning Klovekorn, (Chair) - Board CITCSA and Chairman German European Chamber of Commerce of SA Inc., Simon Thomson, Secretary GECOCSA Inc, Adam Weinert.